* Primary English and Maths (KS1 and 2)
* 13+ English
* 13+ Maths
* 11+ English and public school entrance exams, including pre-tests
* 11+ Maths and public school entrance exams, including pre-tests
* 8+ English and prep school entrance exams
* 8+ Maths and prep school entrance exams
* 7+ English and prep school entrance exams
* 7+ Maths and prep school entrance exams
I also have experience with tutoring online for students primarily in Singapore and Hong Kong as well as a range of other countries.
My students have previously gained entry to the following schools:
Eton College
Westminster School
City of London School for Girls
City of London School
Brighton College
Ibstock Place
Wycombe Abbey
Brighton College
St.Paul's Girls' School
North London Collegiate School
St Swithun's School
Cheltenham Ladies College
Dulwich College
Francis Holland
Downe House
Colet Court
I have previously mainly taught as a primary school teacher working in both Year 5 and 6 and helping to prepare children for the eleven plus exams. I also have experience working in Year 2 and 3 helping to support and extend children who were in the seven plus and eight plus age group. Therefore, I have an excellent grounding working with the syllabus required for both the eleven plus and the seven plus and have experienced first- hand what the schools require from the children sitting these types of exams.
In terms of pre-tests, I recommend building up a thorough knowledge of the 11+ Maths and English syllabus and focusing as much as possible on comprehension, grammar and cloze procedure, mental arithmetic and word problems. I use a variety of activities to target the time pressured nature of the tests and problem solving.
I also have a lot of experience working with children in international schools and from the international curriculum. I use the interactive whiteboard platform for pupils in Singapore and across the world to teach tailored lessons for a wide range of pupils.