With tutors based in London and available online to families around the world, Keystone Tutors is one of the UK’s leading private tutoring organisations.
Here is a sample of the tutors we represent. Uniquely, Keystone exclusively employs over 60 full-time UK based tutors and also represents a highly select pool of freelance tutors. Find out more about our approach to professional tutoring.
The tutors we represent are dedicated professionals with proven track records in the UK’s most competitive entrance and national exams. They help their students to perform at their best, building academic resilience and life-long intellectual curiosity.
We employ a team of over 60 full-time tutors. The tutors we work with all go through a rigorous on-going training programme; they have access to materials that Keystone has developed in-house; and because they are employed by Keystone, they make a long-term commitment to their students.
Although Keystone was founded in 2007 it wasn't until 2013 that we took the step of hiring our first full-time employed tutor. As far as we're aware it was the first time any tutoring company in the UK had done this. We made the video below about how we were looking to professionalise UK tutoring back in 2014. More than a decade on it remains just as relevant to our ethos and approach today as we continue our journey to build the most dedicated and well-trained tutoring team around. We now have over 60 full-time professional tutors working exclusively through Keystone.
We have a wealth of experience in assisting students with preparation for competitive London day schools and top UK boarding schools including St. Paul’s Boys School, St Paul’s Girls School, Westminster, King’s Wimbledon College School, Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Wycombe Abbey and many others.
We have also successfully supported students with entrance into many of the top British universities, including University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London (UCL), London School of Economics (LSE), University of Edinburgh, Kings College London (KCL), University of Bristol and many others.
Tutoring online means there is never a compromise on quality. We have come to believe strongly that the choice of tutor is always the most important factor in the success of an engagement.
When you request a tutor through Keystone we spend a significant amount of time learning about your circumstances. Priding ourselves on how well we know the varying strengths of each tutor, we ensure that we put forward the very best tutor for your requirements.
After the first lesson, one of our dedicated client managers will contact you to find out how the lesson went. Our client managers are always available at the end of the phone and they are frequently praised for their efficiency, dedication and responsiveness.
We have a monthly reporting system which is used to update parents on an ongoing basis.
The monthly report details:
The regular, rigorous reporting of the tutors we represent is frequently commended by parents.
"I just wanted to update you now that the 11+ is well behind us that our daughter got accepted to both St Paul’s and Godolphin & Latymer. She had worked with two of your tutors and we are so grateful for the preparation and guidance with respect to the process."
Mother of 11+ student"A great team of wonderful teachers. Their support and steadfast commitment have been paramount to my daughter’s success in the entry exams. Their enthusiasm was addictive, their tutoring skills were beyond excellence and they inspired my daughter with good values, positivity, and confidence."
Parents of 16+ Applicant"The tutors have been encouraging, guiding and challenging my child to reach his full academic potential. It has been a truly remarkable journey and my child has not only passed the exams but was also offered academic scholarship from two top ranked UK schools."
Mother of 13+ Student"I just wanted to update you now that the 11+ is well behind us that our daughter got accepted to both St Paul’s and Godolphin & Latymer. She had worked with two of your tutors and we are so grateful for the preparation and guidance with respect to the process."
Mother of 11+ student"A great team of wonderful teachers. Their support and steadfast commitment have been paramount to my daughter’s success in the entry exams. Their enthusiasm was addictive, their tutoring skills were beyond excellence and they inspired my daughter with good values, positivity, and confidence."
Parents of 16+ Applicant"The tutors have been encouraging, guiding and challenging my child to reach his full academic potential. It has been a truly remarkable journey and my child has not only passed the exams but was also offered academic scholarship from two top ranked UK schools."
Mother of 13+ Student"I just wanted to update you now that the 11+ is well behind us that our daughter got accepted to both St Paul’s and Godolphin & Latymer. She had worked with two of your tutors and we are so grateful for the preparation and guidance with respect to the process."
Mother of 11+ student"A great team of wonderful teachers. Their support and steadfast commitment have been paramount to my daughter’s success in the entry exams. Their enthusiasm was addictive, their tutoring skills were beyond excellence and they inspired my daughter with good values, positivity, and confidence."
Parents of 16+ Applicant"The tutors have been encouraging, guiding and challenging my child to reach his full academic potential. It has been a truly remarkable journey and my child has not only passed the exams but was also offered academic scholarship from two top ranked UK schools."
Mother of 13+ StudentPrimary Maths and English: Our nurturing primary Maths and English tutors have lots of experience supporting young children with the rigours of the primary- level curriculum, building subject confidence, advanced learning, special education needs or supporting young children with independent school entrance exams at 7+ and 8+.
ISEB Common Pre-Test Tuition: Each year Keystone supports many students preparing for computerised Pre-Tests and school entrance exams. All our tutoring is tailored to the individual needs of each child based on their strengths, learning style and the schools they are applying to.
11+ Exams: The exams often contain content that (while based on the year 6 syllabus in English and Maths) stretches students beyond what they ordinarily would be taught in class. For the more competitive schools, candidates will need to be able to tackle this content successfully in order to stand out. Many 11+ exams are computerised and contain verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions, both of which students are unlikely to be familiar with. Our tutors can familiarise your child with the computerised format as well as how to approach unusual question types and build their confidence as they approach the exams.
16+ Exams: These are usually based on GCSE content and the top schools will often use unfamiliar or abstract question types to really challenge students. Our wide range of tutors ensures that your child has a specialist dedicated to their relevant subject areas, and who is also familiar with the specific formats of 16+ exams at their target schools.
GCSE/ IGCSE/ A Level/ IB: Adapting to new courses and subjects can be daunting and we would recommend putting additional support in place as soon as possible if the students are finding a particular subject challenging.
Oxbridge Tests and Interviews: Most admissions tests will take place in October and our specialist tutors can provide test specific guidance and feedback.
University Application Planning and Super Curricular Learning: Students starting Year 12 should be encouraged to think about university admissions and which courses to choose, allowing them to prepare accordingly and make their application stand out. We have a range of specialist tutors available for super curricular learning support.
The tutors we represent are able to deliver in-person tuition within central London. For those outside of central London we offer online tutoring.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.