Meghna is a motivating and inspiring tutor with a stellar academic background. She has a PhD in Management, Finance, and Accounting from King’s College London and has supported students from GCSE to PhD level in a variety of subjects.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
Keystone Tutors has over a decade of experience providing personally tailored tuition to help students fulfil their academic potential.
We represent a team of university statistics tutors who are graduates from leading UK universities and many are university academics. They possess detailed knowledge of the academic requirements of statistics and have an outstanding ability to connect with their students, impart their subject knowledge and explain concepts.
The statistics tutors we work with are dedicated professionals, who commit to tutoring because of their passion and skill for the job.
We go the extra mile to match you with a great tutor and ensure a perfect fit.
When you request a tutor through Keystone we spend a significant amount of time learning about your circumstances. Priding ourselves on how well we know our tutors’ specialist strengths, we ensure that we put forward the very best tutor for your requirements.
During the first session the tutor starts by assessing where you are at, your academic ability, and your strengths and perceived weaknesses. Tutors will then devise a programme tailored to your specific circumstances.
After the first lesson, one of our dedicated client managers will contact you to find out how the lesson went. Our client managers are always available at the end of the phone and they are frequently praised for their efficiency, dedication and responsiveness.
We have a monthly reporting system which is used to update parents on an ongoing basis. The monthly report details:
The regular, rigorous reporting of the tutors we represent is frequently commended.
The tutors we represent are able to deliver in-person tuition within central London. For those outside of central London we offer online tutoring.
The tutors we represent are well versed in delivering online tuition, using videoconferencing and an interactive whiteboard. This gives students, wherever they are in the world, access to experienced, high quality statistics tutors.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.