With offices in London, Hong Kong and Singapore, we work with some of the UK's most experienced GCSE German tutors. The tutors we represent have a thorough knowledge of the various exam boards and will devise a tailored programme to suit your child's needs. Our tutors are experts in their subject field and are highly passionate about German and building subject confidence so children can achieve their full potential in GCSE German.
Here is a sample of the GCSE German tutors we represent:
Alex joined Keystone in 2016 having graduated with a First Class Degree. Since starting at Keystone he has taught over 7,200 hours with more than 170 families and teaches all the way up from 11+ - A Level.
Olly is an Oxford graduate and experienced tutor. He has a real passion for teaching as well as for writing, theatre and sport. Olly has taught over 5,700 hours with Keystone.
Benjamin is a qualified languages teacher who tutors French, German and Spanish up to A Level and humanities up to 13+. Before qualifying, he gained a degree in Modern Foreign Languages (German and Russian) from Durham University. Ben now tutors alongside working in a top independent school.
Katharyn is a qualified German teacher who has experience across the age range. She has been teaching in the classroom since 2001 and now tutors alongside. Katharyn has a patient and methodical approach.
Maggie is a qualified teacher and experienced tutor. Her approach to tutoring is thorough, resourceful and supportive.
Dhananjay is a Cambridge graduate and a gifted linguist. He teaches from the 11+ - university level. He is currently a full-time tutor.
Ross is a qualified teacher, who teaches both languages and humanities. He has over a decade of classroom experience and he enjoys sharing his passion for his subjects with his students. Ross aims to develop a positive working relationship with his tutees, in order to understand their needs and motivations.
"Our daughter really enjoyed her lessons with you and thought it took her to another level of how to approach German. We are delighted to inform you that she has been offered a place at Highgate, our preferred choice of school."
Mother of German student"Our son received an A grade in German so we were very pleased and relieved! Thank you so much for all your help, it was much needed and came at the right time."
Mother of German GCSE studentWant to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
Established in 2007, Keystone have helped over 10,000 students fulfil their educational potential. Uniquely, Keystone exclusively employs 60 full-time UK based tutors and also represents a highly select pool of freelance tutors. With offices in London, Hong Kong and Singapore and recommended by head teachers of top independent schools, we have an exceptional reputation for helping students (wherever they are in the world) achieve their best; delivering outstanding results, building confidence and instilling life-long intellectual curiosity.
What is the Difference Between IGCSE and GCSE?
What are GCSEs and IGCSEs?The General Certificate in Secondary Education or GCSE is a subject-based academic qualification typically taken by UK students at the end of their compulsory education in Year 11 (age 16). They are normally studied over 2 or 3 years, starting in either Year 9 or 10 - depending on subject, exam board or school - and finish with a set of examinations at the end of the course.
How to get a 9 in GCSE German
Achieving top grades in GCSE German can seem daunting, especially given the language's complexities. Covering grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills, this comprehensive guide provides study techniques and examiner recommendations to ensure you are fully prepared to achieve a 9 in your German GCSE.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.