STEP (Maths) Tutors

UK's leading STEP Maths Tutors in London & Online


Clio spent 10 years working as an Actuary before starting her tutoring career. She is passionate about Maths and aims to inspire her students with her knowledge and enthusiasm. Clio has delivered 1,400 hours of 1:1 tutoring as well as running multiple Keystone courses.


Greg is a professional tutor with a stellar academic record - he achieved a first class Masters degree at Imperial College London. He has tutored with us full-time since leaving University, amassing over 9,300 hours of lessons and helping over 210 families.


Yanni has a Maths degree from Cambridge and both a Masters and PhD in Statistics from Imperial College London. He is a patient tutor who likes to see his students thrive.


Samuel-Louis is a qualified teacher with over a decade of teaching experience. He specialises in Physics and Maths, as well as teaching Chemistry and Biology up to GCSE Level. His approach is methodical and he always ensures the lesson is tailored to the needs of the student.


Joshua has a passion for Maths and Physics and has recently completed a Masters in Maths at King's College London after an undergraduate degree from Oxford in Physics and Philosophy. He aims to instil confidence in his students and to help them find enjoyment in the subject whilst reaching their academic potential.


Christos is a STEM tutor who studied Mechanical Engineering at Imperial. He helps students with Maths and Physics from GCSE to university level. Christos is a patient and approachable tutor with a passion for imparting knowledge.


Jack is an Oxford graduate who is passionate about Maths and Science. He aims to inspire his students and help them to become independent learners.


Gregory is a passionate mathematician who has tutored for over 6 years. He is also an artist and sculptor. He aims to make learning maths interesting and fun.

Feedback on the Maths tutors we work with

"Just to drop you a line now that exam has come to an end. May I say that regardless of the outcome, I found your contribution to my son’s preparation very significant. I cannot judge how your help and mentoring has impacted his marks, but I did find my son so much more confident this time, certainly compared to his preparation last year. So, thank you very much for the help. He definitely appreciated, which coming from such a stubborn, capable and confident person, must be taken as a Big Thank you from our side"

Mother of Oxbridge Candidate

"I thought you’d like to know my results. I got an A* !! 94 in C3 and 100 in C4! Thank you so much for all your help, it’s such an improvement on my marks from last year! I also enjoyed all our lessons so much and really miss them this year."

A-Level Maths Student

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Articles on STEP Maths

A Guide to STEP Maths

What is STEP Maths?  STEP stands for Sixth Term Examination Paper and is a collection of three exams (STEP 1, 2 and 3) which traditionally are used in conditional offers by Cambridge to determine if you get accepted for Maths or Maths-related degrees. Other universities, like Warwick and Imperial, use STEP in some of their Maths offers. You sit these papers in the Summer alongside your other exams like A-Levels, IB and Pre-U.

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Guide to A Level Maths and Further Maths

Should I take Maths for A Level?  Mathematics has been the most popular A Level choice for some time now. This is due to Maths being a highly applicable subject in a range of professions, and is often a requirement for some university degrees. While it is a popular choice, it is also a challenging subject that will require a lot of work to get top marks.

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