TMUA Tutors

UK's leading TMUA tutors in London & Online


Greg is a professional tutor with a stellar academic record - he achieved a first class Masters degree at Imperial College London. He has tutored with us full-time since leaving University, amassing over 9,300 hours of lessons and helping over 210 families.


Clio spent 10 years working as an Actuary before starting her tutoring career. She is passionate about Maths and aims to inspire her students with her knowledge and enthusiasm. Clio has delivered 1,400 hours of 1:1 tutoring as well as running multiple Keystone courses.


Rishi has a degree from City University in Computer Science and Mathematics. He is a patient tutor who has over nine years of 1:1 experience and who focuses on building confidence in his students.


Gregory is a passionate mathematician who has tutored for over 6 years. He is also an artist and sculptor. He aims to make learning maths interesting and fun.


Mark is a warm and charismatic tutor with a passion for teaching, and inspiring young people. He held the role of 'Head of Economics' at a leading independent girls' school, for ten years, before deciding to step out of the classroom to tutor full-time.

Dr AmardeepDr Amardeep

Amardeep is a patient and engaging tutor who teaches Maths, Physics and Computer Science across the age range. Her approach is personalised and tailored according to each of her student's needs.


Daniel is an experienced tutor and a Cambridge graduate. He has a stellar academic record and is currently completing a PhD at King's College London.


Joshua is a dynamic tutor who specialises in Maths and Physics, as well as Computer Science and university entrance tests. His approach is thorough and always tailored to the student's learning style. Joshua tutors alongside completing a PhD in Climate Science.

Sarthak Sarthak

Sarthak is a Computer Science, Maths and Physics tutor who teaches alongside his work as a researcher - specialising in Machine Learning and Robotics. His approach is systematic and helps students to gain a deeper understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts.


Patrick is an upbeat Maths and Science tutor, with a stellar academic background. He has a first class degree in Materials Science from the University of Cambridge and has been tutoring full time since the start of 2021.

Feedback on the Maths tutors we work with

"Rizwaan has been an outstanding A level maths tutor. Despite being academically able, the disruption caused by the pandemic had resulted in our daughter becoming totally disengaged, lacking in motivation and underperforming. In barely two months he managed to motivate our daughter to realise her true potential and raise her grade from a D to an A*. He rapidly identified the gaps that needed to be filled and set an intensive programme of work that needed to be done alongside the tutorials. Equally importantly he always expected nothing less than her best efforts. Thankfully this input brought an end to 18 months of her being in ‘cruise control’ and working at levels well below her capabilities. This approach resulted in a new sense of motivation, and a belief that all was not lost. Exceptional results rapidly followed. Rizwaan’s teaching is of extremely high quality. He had endless patience and kindness in mentoring our daughter through the final couple of months. Our only regret was not having him on board earlier! We highly recommend Rizwaan as a maths tutor. He is truly exceptional."

Mother of an A level Maths student

"I was preparing for an University entrance exam for which I needed to learn a specific syllabus. Rick helped me to understand this syllabus and clearly explained the concepts in a very articulated manner. Rick also helped me go beyond the level expected for the exam, which allowed me to develop a greater range of Mathematical skills particularly relevant for my future studies in Maths. More so, Rick taught me the skills necessary to do well in my test, which I did, and also encouraged a greater appreciation for the subject. I would highly recommend him as a tutor in Mathematics."

Year 13 Maths student

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Articles on Maths Tuition

A Guide to the TMUA

This guide is for anyone applying to a university programme where applicants must first complete the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA). In the sections below you can find out if you need to sit the test and how you go about doing that. There is also some advice on how best to prepare for the test and how important the test will be to your application to study mathematics at university.

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A Guide to STEP Maths

What is STEP Maths?  STEP stands for Sixth Term Examination Paper and is a collection of three exams (STEP 1, 2 and 3) which traditionally are used in conditional offers by Cambridge to determine if you get accepted for Maths or Maths-related degrees. Other universities, like Warwick and Imperial, use STEP in some of their Maths offers. You sit these papers in the Summer alongside your other exams like A-Levels, IB and Pre-U.

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