Keystone Tutors works with a range of specialist tutors who can assist students approaching university aptitude tests for Oxbridge including the ELAT. Our English Literature Admissions Test tutors have extensive experience with the ELAT, both through having successfully sat the test and then gone on to tutor it. If you are considering applying to Oxford University to study single and joint-honours English courses, our ELAT tutors can help.
Here is a sample of the ELAT tutors we represent:
Max is an Oxford educated English graduate who has also completed an MPhil in American Literature at Cambridge. Max has tutored since 2012 and works with students of all levels and with diverse educational needs. He has taught over 2,200 hours and helped 90 families through Keystone.
Oli is an experienced tutor and a Cambridge graduate with a first class degree. He joined Keystone in 2010 and has tutored over 8,900 hours, helping over 280 students across the age range.
Andy holds a BA (double first) and a PhD, both from the University of Cambridge, and an MA from King’s College London. He is an experienced tutor in English, Philosophy, Religious Studies and academic writing skills. Since joining Keystone in 2015, he has taught over 7,600 hours with Keystone and helped over 320 families.
Alice is an Oxford-educated tutor who has taught over 10,700 hours through Keystone with more than 420 families. Her independent sector teaching experience enables her to provide a high level of support to her tutees.
Michael is a graduate of King's College, London and also has a PhD in English. He joined Keystone in 2017 as a full-time tutor and he has helped over 150 families since then and taught over 4,900 hours of lessons.
Florence is an experienced tutor who has worked across the age range, helping 160 Keystone clients. While first completing a DPhil and then working as a research fellow at Oxford, Florence held several teaching and lecturing roles. However, she also helps primary level students build solid foundations. Florence encourages her tutees to become self-motivated learners with a love for their subjects.
Charles is a qualified English teacher who has taught in some of the UK's top schools. His methodical teaching style equips his students with the tools and confidence to help them master the subject, and thrive in their learning.
Cyara is a highly intelligent and inspiring tutor who works across the age range. Her engaging style and goal orientated practice encourages students to invest more energy into their studies and gain more enjoyment from lessons.
James is an experienced tutor with a stellar academic record. His passions lie in the humanities and writing as well as teaching.
Imogen is a Cambridge graduate and aspiring author. She has been teaching and tutoring since 2010. She is motivating and supportive and helps her students to flourish academically.
Sofia teaches across the age range, specialising in entrance exam preparation at 7+, 8+ and 11+ level and English, Drama and Geography beyond this. She balances her tutoring with theatre directing and brings her creativity and enthusiasm with her into all her lessons.
Jack is a conscientious and dedicated tutor who teaches across the age range and helps with a variety of subjects. He has taught over 1,600 hours through Keystone working with around 90 families. Alongside his tutoring he is working to establish himself as a comedy writer.
Anna is an experienced tutor and is passionate about making language and literature studies accessible and enjoyable for children aged 8 to 18. Alongside her tutoring, Anna has worked with several educational organisations. Anna's teaching style is adaptive and she uses a variety of resources in her teaching.
Matthew is an Oxford graduate with a wealth of experience supporting students with English. He can help those aiming for exam success or looking for a general confidence boost.
"Imogen is an wonderful tutor - she always gives 100% and more. But most importantly her knowledge and insights into all the texts she teaches are always exceptional. She is gifted and we have been very lucky as a family to benefit from all that she has to offer. Imogen is outstanding and anyone who gets her as their tutor is super lucky!"
Mother of ELAT and A Level English student"My daughter has just completed some ELAT & interview sessions with Cal Revely-Calder and happily, received an offer to do English Literature Oxford. Cal was great - very thorough and my daughter very much enjoyed her sessions with him. She said his interview practice was very similar in feel and structure to the two interviews she had at Oxford."
Mother of Oxford English candidateWant to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
The ELAT tutors we represent can help students fully develop their close reading skills, and practice them on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar texts. They can help work through sample papers under time pressure, and provide detailed feedback to help focus on the particular effects of language, style, and structure that different authors make use of.
All tutoring is tailored to the individual needs of each child based on their strengths, weaknesses, learning style and the entrance procedures of the course they are applying to.
Established in 2007, Keystone have helped over 10,000 students fulfil their educational potential. Uniquely, Keystone exclusively employs 60 full-time UK based tutors and also represents a highly select pool of freelance tutors. With offices in London, Hong Kong and Singapore and recommended by head teachers of top independent schools, we have an exceptional reputation for helping students (wherever they are in the world) achieve their best; delivering outstanding results, building confidence and instilling life-long intellectual curiosity.
We go the extra mile to match a great tutor with your child and ensure a perfect fit.
When you request a tutor through Keystone we spend a significant amount of time learning about your circumstances. Priding ourselves on how well we know our tutors’ specialist strengths and university institution experience, we ensure that we put forward the very best tutor for your requirements.
During the first session the tutor starts by assessing where the child is at, their academic ability, their strengths and perceived weaknesses. Tutors will then devise a programme tailored to the specific circumstances of the student and your target course.
After the first lesson, one of our dedicated client managers will contact you to find out how the lesson went. Our client managers are always available at the end of the phone and they are frequently praised for their efficiency, dedication and responsiveness.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
Yes. Our ELAT tutors are able to deliver in-person tuition in London. For those outside of central London we offer online tutoring.
The ELAT tutors we represent are well versed in delivering online tuition, using videoconferencing and an interactive whiteboard. This gives students, wherever they are in the world, access to experienced, high quality tutors who are familiar with the requirements of the ELAT admissions tests and English interviews.
We have a monthly reporting system which is used to update parents on an ongoing basis. The monthly report details:
The regular, rigorous reporting of the tutors we represent is frequently commended by parents.
Preparing for English Literature Admissions Test (ELAT)
The English Literature Admissions Test (or ELAT) is a formal English assessment now sat exclusively by students applying for single and joint-honours English courses at Oxford University. This is a ninety-minute online exam for anybody looking to study English Language and Literature, Classics and English, English and Modern Languages, or History and English.These are popular and rigorous courses but sitting the ELAT need not be a terrifying experience.
Top Tips For Oxbridge Interviews - English at Oxford
Rory Maybery, Keystone Professional Tutor and English graduate from Lincoln College, Oxford discusses his interview with Keystone founder, Will Orr-Ewing. Rory shares his experiences of the final month of preparation before his interview. He talks about the benefits of practice interviews; what to read ahead of your interview; as well as how to approach the interview process itself.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.