IB Global Politics Tutors


Tom is a committed and experienced professional tutor whose practice is based on rigorous subject and educational knowledge, which has flourished through his work with over 160 Keystone families, since 2015. He offers stimulating, sympathetic and agile tutorials, with a particular emphasis on mentoring, motivation and confidence building.


Joshua is a qualified Geography and Global Perspectives teacher with over 20 years experience. His teaching style is interactive and he aims to get students actively participating in lessons, contributing to discussion, to help develop their understanding.


Ben is an experienced and engaging tutor with many years of in-school teaching experience. He has a fantastic knack of explaining things clearly and providing meaningful context to those he tutors.


Hugh is a switched on 11+, History and Politics tutor. He gained invaluable experience in the classroom and now tutors on a full time basis. Hugh's teaching style is methodical and thorough.


Andrew is a qualified Teacher as well as an examiner. He has tutored for over a decade and his lessons are stimulating and highly informative. Andrew studied at Sussex University, did his Masters at Manchester University and his masters level PGCE at the Institute of Education.

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