Francine is a patient and encouraging tutor, who teaches English & Maths up to 11+ level. She started her teaching career in instrumental music and subsequently qualified as a primary school teacher. Francine now balances both academic and musical tutoring.
Callum is an enthusiastic and engaging tutor. He impressed us at interview with his supportive and knowledgeable approach to tutoring.
Natasha is a highly experienced Geography tutor, having taught the subject for over 25 years. She is passionate about helping others learn more about the world we live in. Natasha teaches across the age range and has taught both in the UK and internationally.
Jon is a qualified Geography teacher with around 30 years experience, both teaching and examining the subject. He uses a wide range of methods in his teaching in order to bring the subject to life. Jon has taught across the age range and has a thorough knowledge of most exam boards.
Sebastian teaches Geography at two London Sixth Form Colleges. He has a wealth of experience at A level and GCSE level.
Seyi studied Geography at the University of Oxford and is a qualified Teacher. She tutors English, Maths and Geography to a wide range of students and also assists with Oxbridge applications. She has an engaging and encouraging tutoring style.
Ben is an experienced and engaging tutor with many years of in-school teaching experience. He has a fantastic knack of explaining things clearly and providing meaningful context to those he tutors.
Lee is a qualified teacher with over 25 years experience working in independent schools. He teaches English and Maths at primary level, as well as Spanish up to GCSE. In addition to his PGCE, Lee also holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs.
Joshua is a qualified Geography and Global Perspectives teacher with over 20 years experience. His teaching style is interactive and he aims to get students actively participating in lessons, contributing to discussion, to help develop their understanding.
Joe is a UCL graduate and a Geography, English and Science tutor. He can also help with 11+ and 13+ prep.
Donal is a charismatic and affable tutor. We were particularly impressed at interview by his attention to detail when preparing students for exams.
Charlotte is a qualified Geography teacher with a wealth of experience. She has acted as Head of Department as well as being an examiner. She has a deep rooted passion for Geography and tutors alongside working for an environmental education charity.
James is an Oxford graduate and writer. He helps students across the age range and aims to make his sessions fun but focused.
Katie is an extremely personable Geography tutor with experience teaching both the human and physical sides of the subject. Katie studied Geography at Edinburgh University and has since completed her PGCE at UCL. She aims to tailor each session to the student's needs to maximise their potential.
Tristan is a highly enthusiastic and diligent tutor. He possesses strong communicative abilities which enable him to explain even the most difficult things with clarity.
Alexander has a History degree from York as well as a Masters in Fine Art. He currently works as an artist alongside his tutoring. He has years of experience under his belt and teaches a wide range of ages and subjects.
"Seyi tutored my son for his UKISET for University College School. His confidence improved drastically, and he has been putting much more effort into his work. Seyi really worked to improve his confidence, and she is a big reason he gained a place at UCS."
Mother of UKISET student"Callum is an brilliant tutor. He has managed to cover the 13+ syllabus with my son and go above and beyond the requirements to ensure he is well prepared. He is extremely inspiring and wonderful to work with."
Parent of 13+ StudentWant to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.
What is the UKiset Test and How Can You Prepare?
What is the UKiset test?The UK Independent Schools’ Entry Test (UKiset) is an adaptive computerised assessment designed for overseas students aged between 9 and 18 years old. Many UK independent schools require overseas students to take this test as part of their admissions process, as it serves as a pre-test to help schools identify the most suitable candidates and can be used to identify a candidates's strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences.
Upcoming Webinars
Here are details of our upcoming webinars. Do join us live to ask any questions you might have or register below to receive a recording after the event.
The Common Entrance Geography written exam at 13+ is split into three sections: location knowledge, ordnance survey map work, and thematic studies. We represent a number of tutors who are familiar with Common Entrance Geography syllabus and have significant experience of teaching students key geographical concepts.
Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.