Latymer Upper Admissions Tutors


Olly is an Oxford graduate and experienced tutor. He has a real passion for teaching as well as for writing, theatre and sport. Olly has taught over 5,800 hours with Keystone.


Oli is an experienced tutor and a Cambridge graduate with a first class degree. He joined Keystone in 2010 and has tutored over 8,900 hours, helping over 280 students across the age range.


Anthony graduated with a Physics degree from Imperial College, London. He tutors across the board from 11+ through to A Level and has taught over 6,100 hours with Keystone as well as having considerable tutoring experience prior to joining our team of full-time tutors in 2017.

Feedback on Keystone Tutors

"My son has been invited to King’s, Alleyn’s, Dulwich, Latymer and City of London for the interview! 5 out of 5 exams. He has excelled in the 11+ and great part of his success is because of you. All my friends want to book tutoring with you for their children. You are going to have a lot of work this year!"

Mother of 11 Plus Student

"We are very glad that we found Oli Rose, he has been an excellent tutor for 11+ entrance exam,he was really helpful, full of support and had an extensive knowledge, he explains things very clearly and his sessions are enjoyable. With more application and help my daughter has greatly improved her grades and as a result she received the offer of Wycombe Abbey School, we are very pleased. We would not hesitate to recommend him."

Mother of 11 Plus Student

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Articles on School Entrance

11 Plus Independent Schools’ Entrance Exam Guide

If your child is planning to take the 11 plus exam, and is looking for ways to prepare this comprehensive guide is for you! Keystone’s expert tutors have helped students excel at taking the 11 Plus, and the guidance below aims to distil their best practice into a simple, practical set of top tips.

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11 Plus Interview Questions

Preparing for 11 Plus interviews for independent schools is a crucial step for students aiming to secure a place at their chosen secondary school. In this guide, Keystone’s 11 Plus tutors share valuable advice and practical tips to help students showcase their full potential at interview.In this video Keystone's founder, Will Orr-Ewing, and Managing Director, Ed Richardson, share their insights on tackling the 11 Plus entrance interviews for independent schools.

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Want to know more about our tutors? Contact us today to discuss your requirements.